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International re-enactment of the bicentenary of the Battle of Montereau 1814-2014Geographical situation : Montereau is situated to the east of Paris at the confluence of the Seine and the Yvonne in the Seine-et-Marne department.
Placement in the bivouac : The placement of the tents will be indicated upon your arrival in the "Parc des Noues", by the camp manager.
Camp: Period tents only, modern tents will not be tolerated.
Note: In case of unfavourable weather conditions, sheltered accommodation is foreseen (Hall et sports hall)
Bivouac fires: The position has been established by the camp manager, a hole is to be dug between 15 and 20 cm deep (turf to be removed and put back at the end of the bivouac)
A bucket of water is to be kept near the fire at all times.
Water: At the bivouac.
Straw: At the bivouac.
When using straw in the tents, a ground sheet is compulsory.
Rubbish: Distribution of rubbish bags (see camp manager).
Toilets: At the bivouac.
A field tavern has been set up in the bivouac.
Imperial ambulance service (operational)
Security service (24-hour)
For the horses, closed boxes are foreseen, as well as a night watch.
Montereau is a celebratory town; lots of activities will be presented during this weekend
The women's exhibition (exhibitions, tasting, conferences, fashion shows, sketches, harp concert, and numerous past trades, craftsmen and merchants …
Montereau Bicentenary 1814-2014

Friday: Setting-up of the bivouac
Saturday: 08:00 Reveille of the troops
09:30 Counting of all the troops ("Parc des Noues").
09:45 Departure of all the cavalry, reconnaissance of the Montereau 1814 battlefield.
(end around 12:30)
10:00 Manœuvres and manipulation of weapons in the "Parc des Noues".
(end around 11:45)
12:00 Lunch for the troops.
13:00 Meal for the Emperor.
14:00 Meeting of the Commanders (officers?) (Infantry, artillery, cavalry)
14:45 Placement of the troops.
15:00 Re-enactment of the Battle of Montereau.
17:40 End of the Battle.
19:00 Field tavern is at your disposal.
00:00 Curfew.

Sunday: 06:45 Reveille of the Imperial Guard
07:00 Breakfast.
07:30 Reveille of the troops.
08:00 Departure of the Imperial Guard and the Emperor (bus 50 men + staff)
Direction Mormant.
09:30 Head jousting and demonstration by the cavalry ("Parc des Noues").
10:00 Manipulation of weapons for the infantry and artillery ("Parc des Noues").
11:30 Avenue de Surville (Stèle des gendarmes - monument)
Deposit of a wreath in the presence of the Mayor and the Emperor
12:00 Equestrian statue of Napoleon.
Inauguration "Place de la légion d’Honneur"
12:30 Lunch
15:00 Empire parade and salute by the canon
16:00 End and dismantling.
The allied troops may leave the site on Sunday, from 12:00.
The presence of the French troops is indispensable until 16:00.
Ja siê wybieram!!! I Grobusiowa równie¿!

No ludziska dajcie znaæ jak by³o w tej Francji. A najlepiej wrzuæcie jakie¶ fotki.

No ludziska dajcie znaæ jak by³o w tej Francji. A najlepiej wrzuæcie jakie¶ fotki.

Miasto przygotowa³o siê na wizytê Cesarza
Witam. Kilka fotek:

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