Baza wyszukanych fraz
Stroje regionalne i ludowe, suknie ślubne, materiał na firany

Impreza poza tegorocznymi planami kampanijnymi pu³ku.
Tematyka znana z zesz³ego roku tj. przemarsze, potyczki etc.. Daj± proch i jedzenie, brak zwrotu za dojazd, liczba miejsc do spania podobno ju¿ ograniczona. Szczegó³y jakby co u Dzia³yñczyka.

On Rumsiskes:
So this Year the program is basically the same as last Year only we are expecting more Russian troops from Riga and Minsk. We'll be waiting for guests at the museum on 24th from around 15 p.m. On 25th We'll have march and battle and on 26th is departure. We will provide troops with food and black powder. So please only bring sleeping bags. Also please inform me how many troops will come with You and car plate numbers for security.
I include map of how to get to the museum and our headquarters.

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