Baza wyszukanych fraz
Stroje regionalne i ludowe, suknie ślubne, materiał na firany

It was a excited time the last month. I gone to court as it was recommend over the FCI. Today was the court Hearing, where the Adamski Family did not come. The court give me right in all Points. They have now time to write. Malgorzata Adamski wrote on Facebook, too that they did not pay the stud fee because of Dina. The Dina Story is well known and I must write nothing more about it. Pics says much more....

Ma³gorzata Adamska: I thought you took zero options - no money for stud insted no money back for taking 6 months of care and hard socialization work with terrible dog (which we,as a resposible breeders would never ever used to breeding). tutajpoczkategori

Sabine , the one who was at first cheated , now is full of joy and even help them to sell puppies . The person forgot how many time she wort for help to Poland get her wheaten back . And how terrible staff she add on her kennel site - she was writing about Polish buyers very badly ... she promise herself never sell any more pupies to Poland ... but now you see ..
Same FCI forgot that the breeder show they bitch on pedigree copy - which nowbody check before
Same other stud male is not paid as well .
That is long story you know . tutajpoczkategori
Bennevis, sometimes it's a bit difficult to understand what you mean

Anyway, this is what is on Wheaten Lulaby web site about Polish dog owners (including the owners of Achanta Wheaten Lulaby):
the text is in Czech, easier to understand for Poles, using google translate it goes as follows:
Aschanta and :: Acaar are in Warsaw. We did not go there, I have no information about them, which I was promised at their departure, nor yet pedigrees owners do not need. They had originally run the exhibitions, today it unfortunately does not. Acaar is the second wives, he is now seeking a new home here at home. Ludwik cared about him, as promised, neglected hair, fell as Aggir but Aggir have their loving families, which Acaar not.

The lesson for me for the next litters - not to give puppies to Poland. In both cases, after a long correspondence, jaws and assurances facilities for them it was not right. 12 weeks lived at home with us, they could all have been used to an environment at home, lived with us, calm, happy, balanced, insecure today, full of fear, anxiety. tutajpoczkategori

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